Or is the question how much would I pay? They both sound alike but when you want to know the value of a kiss….. Well there is only the price you can pay or the price you would have paid or sadly the price you will be forced to pay because of it.
For me that price was somewhere well over 30,170 words, and all the time it takes to put down somewhere around double that. So over half a hundred thousand words is what I paid in those many nights of endless key strokes, yet never one swish of a pen. Thirty thousand words all saying the same thing all trying to pay the penance for one of lives simple and pursues gifts that of a heartfelt kiss. There is no reverence more contenting than that of a passionate and loving kiss. I still dream of those lips and how they would touch the very muscle of my heart giving it the spark to never stop beating only if I could have found a way.
For the price I pay is failure to know those lips on my skin, each day I wonder if I could have done more to only know their kiss imparted from her lips. It’s the lack of knowing that which torments me so, I paid a high price more then lost efforts and passions, but that of regret for my actions; because they are what failed me not her. When one looks to place blame the image staring back is always the one that is due to bear the full weight of consequence. For sometimes your best is simply not good enough more was required then I could have brought forth. I pray she forgives me for my inadequacies to fulfill her.
To say to have loved and lost is better than to never have loved at all would be like putting a Band-Aid on cancer. It may make you feel better but the wounds will never heal. I may write a million words in honor of love, yet I will never have the kiss that 30,000 failed to inspire.
Any Writings by Zachary S Wilson by Zachary S Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at university of montana western undergrad.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at 77zachwilson@gmail.com.