Imsad for many reasons one small and confusing is that you left its all the others that where so painfully clear that is large and full of longings and disromance in there imaginations absents.
Imsad to have never gotten are fist kiss, more sad to never had are last
Imsad for never seeing a smile on your face, your chose to hide the light of joy from me, keeping the singes of giddiness out of my memories
Imsad I only have a fairy tail to retell not one memory of something I loved so dearly only a story more in come with a dream then the life in the world that’s only in my head
Imsad for knowing your voice yet never knowing your lips, lessoning in the moments eyes closed lips so close hearing more then words as bits of soles flicker through the softest of words
Imsad I never got to give a rose, or maybe more then that, letting out the romantic in me leaving a trail of gerbera daisies for you for no reason just because I loved you
Imsad you never got to feel the pride swell my chest walking with you at my side
Imsad you never got to feel my hands, that I never got to learn the blade of your finger against my face
Imsad you never got to see the fear in your parents eyes when they looked into my sole and saw how much I loved you, telling the simple story of how you no longer where a little girl that you where full grown
Imsad you never got to hold my new born niece, kiss my nephews, talk with my the oldest seeing how young life is still strong and beautiful in her
Imsad you never got to feel me hold your hand with my family all around, feeling the connection in my heart that I was hole and had the most beautiful dream in the palm of my hand, for them to see and love as deeply as me
Imsad you didn’t get to live the proposal I had felt in my heart was the only way you should have been asked to join my life
Imsad that you didn’t get to tell me that you where pregnant with our child
Imsad I never got to tell you I still thought your beautiful even after all of those long years
Imsad you never felt my tears
Imsad I never got to dry yours
But some how in the druthers of all the sorrow I found berried beneath it all
I am happy for you
Your cowboy always
Any Writings by Zachary S Wilson by Zachary S Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at university of montana western undergrad.
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