I ask this to my self everyday in varying amounts 365.25 “leap years to” not one day less. I look even though at 23 I’ve grown tired in my search, the road I travel is full of obstacles of all kinds pushing me to you. Yet the question has yet to change Where are you? I wonder have we met have we know each other already for sometime or is it I have been looking in the dark and you are the light house to guide me to shore. I wonder will I know you at first site I know its crazy but I want to believe in that…… that kind of love that is so visual that both know each others soul even though they don’t know each others names. I don’t need us to have it I would be content just being blessed with the gift of getting to love you forever. I wonder have you seen me and I just didn’t see you, do you read the words I write for you just not ready to come forward and risk the life you have lived before me; because I know the life we have after will be one of novels. I all ready know I love you even though I don’t know how you laugh or the way you smile when I kiss you or how afraid you get when doubt creeps in and its me that you realize you don’t want to lose. I can promise you now I will fight all the monsters in life that come even those I bring with me, I promise I will work harder then anyone you know to give you the life you want but I will always make time for you, I promise I’ll never forget how much you mean to me and all you have done always trying to repay you for your gift of love given unconditionally to me. I promise to forgive you for anything in this world you do…. No matter what cause I love you and that’s all anyone should need. BUT Where are you, I know who I am, I am only fine tuning the person I will be, the what of who I am is set in stone God him self would have to change me or…… the subtlest touch of your hand could wash away all the hate that the shower can’t seam to reach. I’m sorry I’m ready now and that you are still needing more from life before you can join that life with mine with a plain band of gold. “ I am sorry” is words you will here from me for I am a man simple and flawed and I hope you can forgive me for trying to be the best I can be even if that isn’t the best in me. All I know is I am weary but I will look for you in the dark even if I can’t see because I will know when I land ashore. When the blindness is lifted like a dense fog and the light of your beauty is all I will forever see.
Yet for now all I am left with here is to ask my self Where are you?
Any Writings by Zachary S Wilson by
Zachary S Wilson is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
university of montana western undergrad.
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