I tend to write depressing melancholy poems or poetic articles maybe but to night i wanted to put pen to paper or in my world tips to keys. so let me tell you reader about a moment in my life i really liked, i looked in my heart and saw a woman i have never meet and i knew i could love her even though i don't really even know if she exists but for that moment i saw in my soul someone else that was possibly apart of me. she had shoulder length dark hair not black but not brown the light was low so i may never truly know. yet it was soft and tame that kind you just want to feel on the palm of your hand as you cradle her for swooning kiss. i saw her bat her eyes maybe not at me but no doubt she did that bashful flutter of i know someone sees me. it was brief but i saw those brown eyes almost flat in texture calming the kind of eyes that make bad news seem like it could have been worse their confidence supports your doubt by not flinching, they see into the fear worn on your face saying with those flat brown placid eyes bringing you back to straight. don't forget that turn of the corner of her mouth that little flinch of i hoped you would see me, she had the softest check i have ever seen bagging to be kissed like that of a baby that can’t stop smiling and giggling as affection is passed through adoring touch.
but i don’t know if you saw me or maybe just caught a sent on the wind that brought you back to when you where happy once in your life that memory playing out in a moment as i looked upon you seeing all i wanted to see or maybe it was me seeing through the crystal ball getting to watch as you had a glimpse at what the man you have longed for looked like in a brief moment of clarity then seeing me walk through the back ground of that day dream stepping in that very mans shoes seeing you unable to hide the brief moment of joy that detonated inside seeing that i truly am real.
well i will never know but there is a glint of something even if its only in my imagination.
I'm talking to you.
Any Writings by Zachary S Wilson by Zachary S Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at university of montana western undergrad.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at 77zachwilson@gmail.com.
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