“There is no gathering the rose without being pricked by the thorns.”
“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have
roses” - Alphonse Karr
"A thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom" - Chinese
"A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses."
"Then will I raise aloft the milk-white rose. For whose sweet smell the air shall be
perfumed." - William Shakespeare
"Rose! Thou art the sweetest flower that ever drank the amber shower: Even the Gods, who walk
the sky, are amourous of thy scented sigh." - Thomas Moore
"More beautiful than a rose is the soul that beholds it"
“The red rose whispers of passion, And the white rose breathes of love; O, the red rose is a
falcon, And the white rose is a dove” - John Boyle O’Reilly
“But earthlier happy is the rose distill'd; Than that which withering on the virgin thorn
Grows, lives, and dies in single blessedness” - William Shakepeare
“I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds 'round my neck” - Emma Goldman
“The rose is a rose, And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple’s a rose”
- Robert Frost
“Their lips were four red roses on a stalk” - Shakespeare
“God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December” - J. M. Barrie
"The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose" - Hada Bejar.
“Can anyone remember love? It's like trying to summon up the smell of roses in a cellar.
You might see a rose, but never the perfume.” - Arthur Miller
"The rose that all are praising Is not the rose for me." - Thomas Haynes Bayly
“My lady's presence makes the roses red, because to see her lips they blush for shame.”
- Henry Constable
“Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it”
Rose……… conjuring images of full tempshues blooms sprinkled with delicate fresh drops of
morning dew, bushels hung opposite of the world to end their days of beauty but to start their
journey of dwindling fragrance of the summer days past. As a name……… an unbridled beauty
a kind and charismatic personality with a smile that rivals the glory of the braking dawn. One
must be lucky to be named Rose.
Zachary Wilson
Any Writings by Zachary S Wilson by Zachary S Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at university of montana western undergrad.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at 77zachwilson@gmail.com.
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