correctness, or I refrain from pure mention, I believe as only I can, I show my straights, I show
my talents, I walk with an uncommon confidence, I back down to know one man. Nor do I hold
anyone down: I bring others to the level of my understanding, not of my superiority: for I’m no
better than any other person. I bleed its just bled differently I scare and cry I fell the rage and
pain just as you, but only in my idiosyncratic ways of difference make me, me, not anyone but
Is what I show you who I am or is what I show you my public presentation of what I’m supposed
to be what others have made me and the way I understand so that others my understand me. Is
this my identity or is this my tormented persona of my life.
I’ve tried being who I am and the third degree burns my never heal as they once where but
should I be afraid to where my scars as art or as sham is that I find as my true self to truly be
my self or am I two people. The question I “fall asleep to” is that all one person that can be
so dipolar to those that surround me. They say you are those you associate with that is always
leaving me rubbing my chin do I associate with anyone but is it that I associate with everyone to
lave me with is insignificant enigma. for no mater what chose is to be picked what ever answer
is to derived or solution reach its only one side or one point of view and is that point of view a
justification or a realization.
Any Writings by Zachary S Wilson by Zachary S Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at university of montana western undergrad.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
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